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EU-Project Blog

GEP VET – Kick-off Meeting in Sofia

Logo_GEPVETGEP VET stands for Grow Entrepreneurship Potential in vocational education and training. GEP VETS intends to promote entrepreneurial culture of socio-economically disadvantaged young participants of labour-market oriented VET programmes through adaptation, enlargement and transfer of the training course and handbook previously developed in the PECAE project.

The GEP VET partners met in November 2013 in Sofia in order plan the forthcoming project activities and discuss several aspects of entrepreneurship. It was concluded that entrepreneurship is a competence that includes a number of “sub competences” such as:Read More »GEP VET – Kick-off Meeting in Sofia

PROVIDE approved

The BUPNET team is glad to communicate that the project PROVIDE was selected for funding.

PROVIDE_VisualisationPROVIDE stands for PROmoting the Validation of Informal and Non-formal Learning and the Development of Key Competences for Professionals in Vocational Education.

The professional development and the improvement of the quality of adult learning staff have been recognised as a priority at European level. However, at European and national levels there is not always a clear view of the competences needed to fulfil the professional tasks in vocational and adult learning, partly due to the diversity of the field.

The project seeks to Read More »PROVIDE approved

COMBINE – partner meeting at large-scale IFBB plant

logoConverting organic matters from European urban and natural areas into storable bio-energy

The energetic utilisation of biomass has an important role for the achievement of the ambitious aims of EU to increase the share of renewable energies. Against this background the project COMBINE aims at opening-up of abandoned urban, natural and agricultural areas for the energy production. This will be achieved through the regular, extensive use of these areas and the energy recovery of biomass by means of an innovative concept, which builds on the use of a technology called “Integrated Generation of Solid Fuel and Biogas from Biomass (IFBB)”.Read More »COMBINE – partner meeting at large-scale IFBB plant

EDUCCKATE at the Designers’ Open in Leipzig

EDUCCKATE_Logo_rgb_kleinThe EU-project EDUCCKATE was represented at the Designers’ Open (DO) in Leipzig on 25. and 26. Oktober 2013.

The Designers’ Open is an internationally-oriented design exhibition with a communication forum and marketplace for the industry. The event displays the latest trends and directions in fashion, product, industrial and communication design as well as in architecture. EDUCCKATE was given a stage Read More »EDUCCKATE at the Designers’ Open in Leipzig

VITA Final Conference in Dublin

Minister Ciarán CannonThe final conference of the VITA project was honoured by the presence of the Minister of State for Training and Skills. It was hosted by the Irish partner AONTAS, the National Adult Learning Organisation and took place in All Hallows College – a historic building with a long history of learning.

The conference gave the opportunity to explain the VITA validation system that the ten partners have been developed and piloted in the previous 20 months. The VITA system is aimed to assess and evidence competence developments by means of the LEVEL5 system which is specifically designed to assess and visualise personal, social and organisational competences acquired in rather non- and informal learning settings. Each partner institution organised local pilots in order to test the VITA system. The pilots covered all educational fields and considered a big variety of competences related to the service economy and are currently being evaluated. You will read more on them in the near future. But we can summarise already now that LEVEL5 worked well in these informal contexts and was considered as valuable tool also to promote self-reflection on learning processes.

The conference had several highlights…Read More »VITA Final Conference in Dublin

La VITA è bella – award ceremony in Dublin

La vita e bella In May 2013, the VITA consortium launched the European Award “La VITA è bella” – an award for innovative practice and initiatives on validating competences in informal and non-formal learning in Europe. The consortium wanted to find out in how far innovative learning projects already tackle the topic of validation of social, personal and organisational competences. Award participants were asked to present projects or initiatives that promote the development of these competences in an innovative way and include practical cases or at least ideas on how learning outcomes and competence developments within this specific competence area can be assessed and evidenced also beyond the walls of formal education.

An independent jury had the difficult task of choosing the most creative projects from among the numerous entries.

And the award goes to…

Read More »La VITA è bella – award ceremony in Dublin