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EU-Project Blog

E-Maria – 4th Transnational Meeting in Kaunas, Lithuania

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On the 4th and 5th of December E-Maria partners met in the beautiful Lithuania to finalise the training modules and discuss about the final conference that will take place in Portugal in spring 2013.

Also, a Walk and Talk event was organised to present the E-Maria Manual that will soon be ready to download on E-Maria website.

The event was a success! Read More »E-Maria – 4th Transnational Meeting in Kaunas, Lithuania

Vilma goes Lithuania

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During the last meeting of the VILMA project partners participated in a conference on Assessment of Mobility Achievements” in Vilnius on November 13, 2012. It was organised by the Education Exchanges Support Foundation, the Lithuanian National Agency for the lifelong learning programme.

The overall theme of the conference was evidencing and assessment of informal and non – formal learning and benefits of the competences acquired during mobility from personal, organisational and the labour market perspective.

The VILMA partners actively contributed to the success of the conference. Read More »Vilma goes Lithuania

VITA – 2nd Transnational Meeting in Paris

The second partner meeting took place in Paris in November 2012. In the two-day meeting the preceding stocktaking phase was summarised and the data of the online survey analysed.

The stocktaking phase of the VITA project investigated the demands of different learners’ targets groups and educational sectors with regard to validation of service-related learning outcomes. At the beginning a desk research was carried out to outline the meaning of “service oriented competences”. The partnership agreed to refer to the EUROPASS categories of social, personal and organisational competences (SPOC) that would comprise the competences necessary to cope with the challenges of the “service economy”. Read More »VITA – 2nd Transnational Meeting in Paris

Languages Behind Bars –
1st transnational meeting and kick-off

At the end of October the first transnational meeting and the kick-off of the project “Languages Behind Bars” took place. Under the coordination of die Berater the partners met in Vienna to clarify the work-packages and the next steps for the project. Besides of the Austrian coordinator and BUPNET, partners from England, France, Bulgaria and the Netherlands take part. They have all background in working with inmates, inmates’ relatives or in umbrella-organisations.

Paul Talbot is the coordinator of LBB and has worked as a language trainer in correctional facilities. The rationale of this project is based on the high numbers of foreign national prisoners in European prisons.Read More »Languages Behind Bars –
1st transnational meeting and kick-off

RIVER Partnermeeting and LEVEL5 Workshop

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2012 is the European Year of Active Ageing. Along these lines, the project RIVER aims to promote active-aging senior volunteering with a focus on validating the development of personal, social and organisational competences during the volunteering activity.

From the 7.11. to 9.11.2012 both the partners of the RIVER project and some of the trainers that will pilot the RIVER methodology met in Rome. Main reason for the meeting was a 2-day training workshop on the LEVEL5 based RIVER validation methodology. The subsequent partner meeting dealt with the preparation of the piloting and the interim report. Read More »RIVER Partnermeeting and LEVEL5 Workshop