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EYE Networkmeeting

logo-erasmusOn the 20th and 21st of February the 13th Network meeting for Intermediary Organisations (IO) of the EYE programme took place in Brussels.

One reason for this was the start of the new sixth cycle of the programme and the welcome of all new partners.

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EYE – Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

The business world in Europe has changed and it is well known that former manufacturing industrial countries see their future mainly in the service sector. One of the keywords related to this development is entrepreneurship. More people than ever before are starting their own business. Several supportive services are initiated by governments and the European Commission to help them with this challenging task.

BUPNET is partner in the Mobilitas4 project which is funded by one of these initiatives: the Erasmus for young Entrepreneurs programme of the European Commission. Read More »EYE – Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs